If you would like to order an Easter Lily or an azalea to decorate the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, please fill out this form and submit it to the office no later than Monday, April 7.
The price is $20.00 for an Easter Lily and $32.00 for an azalea plant. You may pay online here or drop off or mail a check to the church. Checks should be made out to PCCT and marked "flower fund" on the memo line.
Please indicate if you would like to have your plant(s) taken by the Deacons to a sick or homebound member of the congregation or if you would like to pick up your plant(s) after the April 20 worship service.
Contact the church office for more information.
Thank you!
If you would like to order an Easter Lily or an azalea to decorate the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, please fill out this form and submit it to the office no later than Monday, April 7.
The price is $20.00 for an Easter Lily and $32.00 for an azalea plant. You may pay online here or drop off or mail a check to the church. Checks should be made out to PCCT and marked "flower fund" on the memo line.
Please indicate if you would like to have your plant(s) taken by the Deacons to a sick or homebound member of the congregation or if you would like to pick up your plant(s) after the April 20 worship service.